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Who has forwarding enabled in their Exchange Online mailbox??

How do I know, without looking at the properties of every Exchange Online mailbox, which users have setup mail forwarding on their mailbox?  That is a very good question.  If you Google around you'll find lots of interesting answers, particularly around using LDAP queries to identify those mailboxes - but how do you do that in Exchange Online???  PowerShell is the answer!


Creating a Site-to-Site Connection between Azure and pfSense

This was a big of a tricky endeavour and obviously a topic that I don't typically cover on this blog.  The whole reason for the post actually directly relates back to my Moving to Office 365 post as I haven't get succeeded in moving enough of my operations to the cloud such that I am not dependent on my main internet connection any more.


Microsoft EA - Office 365 Tenants

Important little thing to know when dealing with larger companies in particular: Microsoft only allows one Office 365 tenant per Enterprise Agreement.