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Office 365 Pricing for Nonprofits Released

... well, kind of. We're still waiting on some Office 365 for Small Business Nonprofit pricing, but it shouldn't be too long. Complete details can be found here. Here are the highlights (prices are in CAD):


Who has forwarding enabled in their Exchange Online mailbox??

How do I know, without looking at the properties of every Exchange Online mailbox, which users have setup mail forwarding on their mailbox?  That is a very good question.  If you Google around you'll find lots of interesting answers, particularly around using LDAP queries to identify those mailboxes - but how do you do that in Exchange Online???  PowerShell is the answer!


Creating a Site-to-Site Connection between Azure and pfSense

This was a big of a tricky endeavour and obviously a topic that I don't typically cover on this blog.  The whole reason for the post actually directly relates back to my Moving to Office 365 post as I haven't get succeeded in moving enough of my operations to the cloud such that I am not dependent on my main internet connection any more.


Microsoft EA - Office 365 Tenants

Important little thing to know when dealing with larger companies in particular: Microsoft only allows one Office 365 tenant per Enterprise Agreement.


SharePoint Online - Content Viewing Audit Logs

Little important thing to note when evaluating SharePoint Online "Wave 15": SharePoint Online does not have the components to enable View audit log reports.


Moving to Office 365

With the full GA release of Office 365 Wave "15", I thought it was about time I started to really see what I could do with this platform.  I have been an avid SkyDrive and user for my personal email for sometime now, so why not see what else I can do with the cloud & Office 365 with my little experimental company.  I should also mentioned that my little company is a Microsoft registered partner and I have enrolled in the Cloud Essentials program to make this endeavour a bit more cost effective.


MySPC Calendar Syncing

Now that SharePoint Conference 2012 is just a couple days away, I am sure everyone is busy selecting all the sessions they are wanting to attend via MySPC. As I was admiring my completed calendar, I began to wonder: How I am I going to get this on my phone.  I attempted to import it into my corporate Outlook but that was futile as my iTunes is not on my company laptop. Back to the drawing board...  What about Eureka! I can add a public calendar to my account!


SharePoint 2010 KB Articles

This will be a collection of articles or tools I find useful when it comes to potential deployment issues in a SharePoint 2010 environment. I'll continually update it as I find new things!


CalSPUG Meeting - November 17, 2011

Another month means another CalSPUG meeting! (Web site should be up soon... sorry for the dead link.)


Controlling Database Growth in SharePoint 2007

One of the many problems when developing for SharePoint 2007 is database growth. This can be especially troublesome when your production environment has caching and auditing enabled. Here are some tricks to dealing with the growth.